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Hydrophil_Membran_V2 mit Background
Bildschirmfoto 2022-11-08 um 09.11.04

Protected Performance

Microporous composite membranes for medical and industrial filtration and venting

PURETEX_DreiLagen blau
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Hydrophil_Membran_V2 mit Background
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Bildschirmfoto 2022-11-08 um 09.11.04
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Structure and properties of Sefar composite membranes

Fast and safe processes, robustness when in use, and ease of processing are all requirements that microporous membranes for filtration and venting have to meet.

The patented SEFAR PURETEX® technology is characterized by a high membrane surface-volume ratio. The use of fibers that are just nanometers in diameter literally results in billions of homogeneous pores from endless, non-shedding nanofibers that enable unparalleled flow rates in venting and liquid filtration applications. The membrane is embedded in technical fabrics for protection and stabilization. Depending on the application, the surface can be finished customer specific, so that optimized hydrophilic or hydrophobic and oleophobic properties can be achieved.

Excellent permeability properties

Resistant to mechanical stress when in use

Easy to process

Conformity with REACH and RoHS

Medical and industrial applications have all sorts of needs and the highest of requirements. Thanks to the modular design of our SEFAR PURETEX® system, we are flexible and offer optimal solutions.

Further details can also be found in the brochure 'SEFAR PURETEX®’.



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